Matakana Hall Committee Health & Safety Policy Statement The Matakana Hall Committee (the Committee) has, under the Health & Safety at Work Act 2015, to ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety of its committee members, visitors, users and hirers of the Hall. The Committee is responsible for running the Community Hall and recognises its duty to ensure the safety of people using it. It is the intention of the Committee to comply with all Health and Safety legislation and to act positively where it can reasonably do so to prevent injury, ill health or any danger arising from its activities and operations. The Committee is committed to: Providing a healthy and safe environment for hall users. Implementing all statutory requirements. Establishing a Health & Safety Risk Assessment Schedule. Reviewing the Health & Safety Risk Assessment Schedule annually prior to each AGM to ensure it is fit for purpose. Reviewing the Incident Register (including Critical Incidents) at each meeting of the Hall Committee. Reviewing the Hall Hirers H&S Guidelines prior to each AGM. Having the fire fighting equipment checked annually before the AGM. Seeking guidance from qualified professionals where necessary. The Hall Hirers H&S Guidelines include a procedure for dealing with Critical Incidents & Notifiable Events (incidents involving significant actual or potential harm to a person, the environment or property, including physical violence, sexual assault, incidents requiring emergency services or hospitalisation, medical emergencies, death or any trauma evoking extreme stress or fear). If such an event should occur, Hall Hirers are required to contact a member of the Committee (from the list on the wall in the kitchen or on the website . The committee member contacted will advise all other committee members, who will complete the Incident Register, notify Worksafe if the incident is notifiable, see www.worksafe.govt/nz/notify-worksafe, support the people that have been affected, communicate with immediate family, and manage media and other external relations. The committee recognises that the effective prevention of accidents depends as much on a committed attitude of mind to safety, as on the operation and maintenance of equipment and safe systems of work. To this end, it will seek to encourage committee members and users to engage in the establishment and observance of safe working practices. Committee members, visitors, users and visitors will be expected to recognise that there is a duty on them to comply with the practices set out by the committee, with all safety requirements set out in the Hall Hirers H&S Guidelines and with safety notices on the premises and to accept responsibility to do everything they can to prevent injury or ill health to themselves or others. Much of the repair and maintenance work at the Hall will be done by contractors and self employed workers. The Committee will provide a safe working environment for such workers and ensure that they have their own Health and Safety procedures so that others are not harmed by something they do or don’t do, and that they are cognisant with the hall’s H&S Policy and Risk Assessment. This Health and Safety Policy is available on the Matakana Hall page of the Matakana Community Group website, and in a folder in the Hall kitchen. Date: 4 November 2024
Matakana Hall Hirers & Users Health & Safety Guidelines Hirers’ & Users’ Responsibilities: It is the duty of all hirers, users and visitors to take care of themselves and others who may be affected by their activities and to co-operate with the Committee in keeping the premises, including the grounds, safe and fit for purpose. Hirers of the hall are responsible for the management of their own contractors’ health & safety obligations e.g. for wedding organisers, caterers, decorators, bands etc. (For example, if a person hires the hall for a wedding, they are responsible for choosing contractors who will follow correct health & safety practice and comply with regulations.) Information on risks and hazards are available from the Booking Officer and the Risk Assessment on the website that can be passed on to contractors. Should anyone using the Hall come across a fault, damage or other situation which might cause injury and which cannot be rectified they should inform a committee member as soon as possible so that the problem can be dealt with. Where Hall equipment is damaged, it should be reported to a committee member (from the list on the kitchen wall). Hall hirers are responsible for familiarising themselves with the Fire Extinguishers in the hall and the Emergency Evacuation Guide on display and included in these guidelines. Hazardous substances Hazardous substances/materials that must not be used in the Hall are: Flammable liquids Naked flames including candles and fireworks Combustible material near a source of ignition Smoking Smoking is forbidden inside the Hall Emergency Exits Emergency exits and routes to them must be kept clear/unlocked at all times Fire or Emergency Evacuation Procedure Call 111 All hall hirers must have a designated Fire Warden who is familiar with the exits and responsible for evacuating the hall to the designated area on the grass at the side of the hall. In the event of a fire or emergency: - - - Evacuate the buildings Use the fire extinguisher ONLY if safe to do so - - Children Close doors on existing building Ensure no-one re-enters the buildings until the fire chief gives the all clear. Minors under the age of 18 must be accompanied and supervised by a responsible adult at all times. In the event of children’s parties or activity groups, the hirer shall take responsibility for the adult to child ratio, ensuring adequate safety and care for the age of the children attending. Small children under the age of 12 are not permitted in the kitchen – unless as part of a supervised class. This is to avoid the risk of scalds, burns cuts and other injuries occurring. Electrical safety The following must be adhered to: Users/hirers must make sure they know where the fuse box is, in the kitchen. The main switch should be switched off in an emergency. Electrical appliances must not be left unsupervised when in operation Plug sockets must not be overloaded Should users/hirers want to bring electrical appliances onto the premises they are responsible for ensuring that the appliances meet safety standards Electrical equipment showing signs of damage, exposure of components, water damage etc must not be touched or operated Users have a responsibility to ensure that all electrical appliances are shut off and where possible unplugged when leaving the Hall Trailing wires or cables are a trip hazard and should be taped down using their own appropriate high visibility ‘hazard’ tape. Manual Handling All users must be aware that: They should use the equipment & trollies provided when moving heavy objects. Slips, Trips & Falls All users must be aware that: All surfaces can pose a slip, trip or fall risk and to be aware of those risks when using the facilities. Clear up any spillages immediately. Mops/cleaning equipment can be found in the cupboard in the hall next to toilet corridor. Working at Height All users must be aware that: They are responsible for using the stepladder safely Specialist equipment is required for access to the high stud ceilings Worksafe guidelines on safe working with ladders and stepladders can be found here: action_results=Go Working or on premises alone Volunteers, hirers, users, contractors or tradesmen should not work alone on the property if they are using ladders or equipment that might pose a danger. When jobs have been assessed as low risk, it is the individual’s responsibility to ensure they are equipped with a mobile phone to be able to summon assistance in the event of an emergency. General Housekeeping & Maintenance The Hall is cleaned and safety checked on a regular basis. However, every user has a responsibility to ensure that: The Hall is left in a clean and tidy state. All rubbish is removed from the premises. Any damage should be reported to the Bookings Officer. All Food, drink, bottles and perishable items must be taken away at the end of each hire. The grounds and car parks surrounding the Hall must be kept clear of litter. Noise All users should be considerate of neighbours in regard to noise and its impact. Internal noise levels do not exceed 95dBA. Activities involving loud amplified music must cease at midnight. External doors and windows must be closed after 9.00pm for activities involving loud amplified music. Vehicle movements/parking does not create a nuisance or any safety issue for local residents or visitors/users of the hall. Parking Parking on the grounds of the hall is limited to available spaces and at the users’ risk. The road must not be blocked. First Aid Hirers are required to provide their own First Aid equipment when holding functions at the hall. Incidents & Critical Incidents Incidents - in the event of an incident, the Hall Hirer must complete the Incident Register Form (kept in the kitchen). An incident includes events not causing harm, but which have the potential to cause injury or ill health Critical Incidents – Hall Hirers must follow this procedure if a Critical Incident occurs that involves: - significant actual or potential harm to a person, the environment or property, physical violence, sexual assault - incidents requiring emergency services or hospitalisation, medical emergencies - death or trauma evoking extreme stress or fear Procedure 1. Call 111 2. Secure the scene. Do not let anyone enter the area and don’t clean up. (The Police or Department of Labour may investigate). 3. Immediately contact a member of the Hall Committee (from the list on the kitchen wall, or on the website). In the event of an emergency, the nearest facility is: Warkworth Health Hub, 77 Morrison Drive, Warkworth Open 8:00 am to 7:30 pm Monday to Friday Phone (09) 425 8585 North Shore Hospital (Emergency Department) 124 Shakespeare Rd, Takapuna Open 24 hours Phone (09) 486 8900 Note: there is a Defibrillator at Coast to Coast Healthcare at 74 Matakana Valley Road (diagonally opposite the hall) which is available during the practice’s opening hours. (Also in Market/Cinema complex)
Matakana Hall Risk Assessment Documents
Location 43 Matakana Valley Rd, Matakana Hall Description Community hall & surrounding grounds, volunteer run, providing flexible facilities for local community use Hall Chairperson Neville Johnson 021 189 4242 Bookings Officer Liz Sharek, 021 02513552 Risk No. What are the Identified Hazards Who might be harmed and how? Risk Rating (see key at bottom) What Controls are in place? Monitoring Monitoring by whom? When? Likelihood Consequence Overall Risk Rating 1 Slips, trips & falls (e.g. uneven surface of carpark, wet floors etc Users of the hall and car park may suffer injuries such as fractures or bruising if they slip, e.g. on spillages, uneven surfaces or trip over objects Low Medium Medium Car park surface maintained to be as even as possible. Parking spaces for visitors with disabilities are available next to hall entrance. Good lighting in all rooms and corridors in the hall. External decks, ramp & steps maintained regularly. Users know (through Hall Hirers & Users H&S Guidelines) to clear up spillages immediately and know where equipment for this is kept. Mats provided outside or inside entrances to stop rain water being carried in. No storage in corridors. Any electrical leads/cables to be taped down (as per Hall Hirers & Users Guidelines). Carpark surface to be inspected 6 monthly and repaired as necessary. Ensure that cleaning equipment is available – check with the cleaner if equipment needs replacing. Hall committee 6 monthly in March & September or as required 2. Working at height e.g. changing light bulbs, cleaning windows, putting up decorations etc. Anyone working at any height could suffer injuries, possibly very serious ones, should they fall. Low High Medium Appropriate, self-stabilised stepladder with a rail each side securely stored and available for inside use only. Hall users know (through Hall Hirers & Users H&S Guidelines) that they are responsible for using the stepladder safely and that specialist equipment is required for high stud ceilings. Hall committee members and cleaner know how to use the stepladder safely. A link to Worksafe’s Guidance on safe use of stepladders & ladders is available at link at bottom of this document. Stepladder condition to be checked Hall committee 6 monthly in March & September 3. Falling Objects e.g. Tools and equipment being used by contractors or hall users when decorating or undertaking maintenance etc. Contractors and users of the Hall installing decorations or undertaking maintenance Low High Medium Hall users know (through Hall Hirers & Users H&S Guidelines) that they are responsible for using the stepladder safely and that specialist equipment is required for high stud ceilings. Hall Hirers & Users Guidelines document is on our website and sent to hall hirers and users Bookings Officer As required 4. Stored equipment & Manual Handling Users could be injured when setting up or moving equipment. e.g. chairs; tables, trolleys & staging etc. Low Low Low Hall users advised to use trolleys when moving heavy objects, in Hall Hirers & Users H&S Guidelines. There is a sign in the chair storage room advising how to stack chairs & tables safely. Regular post-event checks are conducted on stored chairs/tables. Trolleys are checked regularly. Bookings Officer and Hall Committee Post events or as required 5. Electricity Users risk electric shocks or burns from faulty equipment or installation. Low High Medium Fixed wiring correctly installed by qualified electrician and inspected regularly. All repairs are undertaken by qualified electrician. Hall users know that they are responsible for any equipment they bring on site and that they must ensure safety standards are met. Electrical safety instructions are contained in the Hall Hirers & Users H&S Guidelines. There is a sign for the fuse box emergency off switch. The Hall has no portable electrical equipment of its own, but if appliances are acquired, they will be checked annually. Hall committee Reviewed annually prio to AGM 6. Hazardous substances e.g. cleaning products and paints Cleaner / Hall users may suffer skin irritation, respiratory problems or poisoning due to contact, inhalation or ingestion. Low Low Low Children are required to be supervised at all times. Cleaning products and coatings etc. are safely stored not made available for general use. Safer cleaning products are sourced as far as possible. The Hall Hirers & Users H&S Guidelines state that the following substances must not be used in the Hall - flammable liquids, naked flames including candles and fireworks, combustible material near a source of ignition. Bookings Officer As required 7. Fire If trapped users could suffer fatal injuries from smoke inhalation and/or burns. Low High Medium Fire extinguishers checked annually. Emergency evacuation plan is on the wall Hall committee Prior to AGM 8. Vehicles using car park Pedestrians in the car park could suffer serious injury if struck by cars entering/leaving car park or moving in it. Low High Medium The car park is lit by street lights at both ends, and by sensor lights at the front and side entrance. 9. Kitchen Hazards Risk of injury to hall users in kitchen area, e.g heat, sharp knives etc. Low Medium Low Users required to check after each event to make sure appliances shut off etc. 10. Locking the building with people inside Users, public etc. at risk of being trapped in building Low Low Low Users reminded to do a visual sweep of the building before locking up Emergency exits signposted and these all open freely from inside. Key to be kept in lockbox and committee members to know the combination 11. Noise Loud noise can damage hearing Low Low Low All users made aware of Hall Hirers & Users Guidelines which state users should be considerate of neighbours in regard to noise and its impact. Internal noise levels not to exceed 95dBA. Activities involving loud amplified music must cease at midnight. External doors and windows closed after 9.00pm for activities involving loud amplified music Vehicle movements/parking do not create a noise nuisance 12. Lone Working Anyone using or working in the hall on their own , e.g. maintenance workers, cleaners, could have an accident Low Low Low All users aware of possible risks Let someone know when there Able to summon help/raise alarm (carry mobile phone) Familiarise with emergency procedure No working at height or on ladders alone Risk Rating Table: Low Low level of risk. Control measures to mitigate the likelihood and consequences of the risk are in place. Medium Risk can be tolerated where all possible control measures are in place and actively monitored. High Intolerable risk. Stop task and reassess activity immediate. Activity can be resumed when approved control measures are in place to lower the risk level and actively monitored 4 November 2024